Learning to Draw in 30 days

Welcome to my digital sketch book where I learn how to draw.

Drawing Days

Day 10: The Cylinder

Day 10: The Cylinder

This was a fairly simple chapter about how to draw a cylinder, which starts off as a circle that's been squeezed from the top and bottom. After drawing three cylinders, they looked a lot like barrels. So, I filled the middle one with some goo and put radioactive...

Day 9: The Rose

Day 9: The Rose

Just in time for Valentines, the lesson in this chapter was how to draw  a rose. Once I had my main oval, I kept drawing the inside spiral of the rose petals from inside-out. But I found that drawing from the outside and spireling inwards was much more easier and I...

Day 8: Koala

Day 8: Koala

This was a humbling chapter for me. I discovered that drawing free-form shapes, like animals or fur is NOT my strength. It's definitely something that I need to work on and practice more often. That said, I'm beginning to see how drawing primitive objects is the...

Day 7: Temples with Cubes

Day 7: Temples with Cubes

After mastering the cubes, it's time to build temples. The chapter on Advanced-Level cubes does just that. You start drawing a simple cube with a smaller cube on top that becomes a room with two doorways. By adding two ramps on either side, you got yourself a...

Day 6: Stacking Tables

Day 6: Stacking Tables

Now that we can draw cubes, this chapter teaches us how create a little more complex objects. Personally, I think the 'stacking tables' are more like a square columns, regardless, they are super cool objects that can be used to create a lot of interesting visual...

Day 5: The Hollow Cube

Day 5: The Hollow Cube

There's that mystery behind a closed box. There's also the reveal of what's in the box. This chapter you learn how to create an empty box by simply drawing a straight line from the top middle corner to the bottom corner. That's the easy part.The harder part is to draw...

Day 4: The Cube

Day 4: The Cube

Nothing says 3D, like a nice cube. Perhaps, the most recognizable 3D object. I'll be honest, the cube was something I knew how to draw a long time ago. But what I learned in this chapter was how to make sure the corners are straight lines by connecting 7 dots.  ...

Day 3: Advanced-Level Spheres

Day 3: Advanced-Level Spheres

I spent a lot more time on this lesson. What makes this an advanced is the fact that that small mistakes can add-up and ruin the rest of the drawing. One sphere. No problem. Two spheres. Okay. A whole bunch of sphere behind each other in formation like a Roman Legion?...

Day 2: Overlapping Spheres

Day 2: Overlapping Spheres

This chapter asks you to draw two overlapping spheres. The trick in drawing two sphere—one behind the other—is to actually draw two overlapping spheres and simply use the eraser to get rid of the intersecting line (either the left or the right one). Usually, the...

Day 1: The Sphere

Day 1: The Sphere

The first lesson was to draw a sphere that starts out as a circle. It's amazing how some simple shadows and shades turn a flat circle into a sphere. The hardest part of this lesson was—believe it or not—drawing a circle. No, really. If you have any type of OCD, you're...

Let the Drawing begin

Let the Drawing begin

Drawing has been something that I always wanted to learn and enjoy. Being a Graphic Designer and not be able to draw with a pen & paper has always been a personal struggle. I've never had any formal training besides an Art class for 1 semester when I was 12 years...

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